For every person & family impacted by Alzheimer's who needs help now --
until there is a cure
Dr. Baumgardner founded this company, Alzheimer's Matters, after caring for her mother, who had Alzheimer's, for several years, and having a grandmother and two uncles also die with this disease. She wrote a book titled, "Alzheimer's Matters: A Caregiver's Guide through Love & Learning," shortly thereafter.
The mission of our company is to communicate & educate about the disease in a complete, honest, and unflinching way, and to advocate for, and support those who have the disease, and their loved ones. We do everything we can to fulfill this mission.
Please subscribe to this website as we will always be adding new resources to it. Thank you in advance for helping to spread important information about this disease! We care deeply about those suffering with this terrible disease, and those who love them, and want to make a positive difference, however possible -- until there is a cure!
Alzheimer's was my mother's greatest fear.
Opening sentence of "Alzheimer's Matters: A Caregiver's Guide through Love & Learning


"Even as a neurologist who treats persons living with Alzheimer's and other dementias, I felt unprepared when thrust into the role of secondary caregiver for my father, Lester, after his diagnosis. Sure, I knew the epidemiology, pathophysiology, and clinical features of Alzheimer's. But I had little appreciation for the personal and emotional impact on caregivers who accompany their loved ones on this journey, and I felt ill-equipped to help my mother with the challenges of caregiving. In "Alzheimer's Matters," Dr. Terri Baumgardner has provided precisely the kind of comprehensive resource my family needed at that time. What makes this book unique is its honesty and authenticity. Dr. Baumgardner gives encouragement and hope, yet does not shy away from the describing the struggles she and her family faced in caring for her mother, Sally. When reading the book, one can sense someone walking alongside, helping to bear the burden, sharing the struggles, and rejoicing in the uplifts. There is something here for every caregiver. But healthcare providers who treat persons living with dementia also should read the book, and thereby grow their empathy and appreciation for the plight of caregivers."
Daniel C. Potts, MD, FAAN, Neurologist